Our new girls, Sue, Dianna, Ruby and Patty Jane (herding them from the back)
A blog for the Holliman family and friends.
It was another picture-perfect day here, which was great because Lori’s daughter Lindsay was having her birthday party at a Christmas Tree Farm (and pumpkin patch).
Charles loved the tractors, but only Thomas would venture on the hay ride.
The boys each got to pick out a pumpkin and paint it.
And after the cake they children beat up a Dora pinata… A very long (no nap) day, but I think they had a good time. There are a few more pictures in the gallery.
Dianne and I are at the annual pre-school fund raiser tonight. The boys are at home having a ball with Rosie and her kids. A night off... Not a minute too soon.
The rain stayed away long enough on Sunday for the annual Heights Festival.
We made it there just in time to see the parade…
And of course, there was plenty of food and fun afterwards…
The heat really got to us, so after a couple of hours we had to head home. But not before making on stop at the grocery store, where the boys discovered coin-operated rides.
It was a great end to a great afternoon… right up to the point where Thomas threw up. And then he proceeded to keep us up all night with a fever. But he seems much better this morning – hopefully the worst is over.